Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 51 – Yes by Yes

We had a special guest speaker at PHD (Prophecy, Healing and Deliverance) class on Wednesday: Julie Meyer. She was amazing! And, really, really funny and engaging, which is always helpful during afternoon classes. Julie talked to us about dreams and shared some of the significant dreams that God has given her in recent years. One of the words that God gave her in a dream really challenged me. He told her, "Day by day, step by step, choice by choice, and yes by yes." Julie said that God promised her that He would do the big transformative work in her life and heart if she would be faithful to say "Yes" to Him in the small choices of her daily life. Then, she gave two examples of how this worked in her life: her speech and in fasting.

Julie told a funny story about how she was shopping in Dollar General on a fast day and really wanted to buy a candy bar. She said that all of the candy bars in the checkout lane were calling her name and jumping up and down. But, Julie remembered that it was a fast day and felt the Holy Spirit tell her that this was a tiny opportunity for her to say "Yes" to Him. She left with her purchase and felt victorious in having made one more small choice that said "Yes." With regard to her speech, Julie told us that she actually keeps a cork in her bathroom. Sometimes she puts it in her mouth when she is getting ready. Julie will look at herself in the mirror and tell herself that this is what she needs to do whenever she wants to speak critically or complain. She tries to imagine herself with the cork in her mouth during the day when she feels tempted to say something that she knows will dishonor God. I love it!

The main reason that I really liked her suggestions is that it feels much more positive to try and say "Yes" to Jesus all day long than to say "No" to sin. I really want to "fight the good fight" against sin and I've been trying to say "No" whenever it presents itself. But, I have noticed that this can be discouraging. I sin A LOT, every day. After a while, I feel tired of saying "No" and watching for sin that I want to do. I also feel frustrated that I still want to sin. Saying "Yes" to Jesus, on the other hand, feels fantastic. I love to offer my "Yes" to Him and I feel a swell of His pleasure and affection for me every time I do this. Sometimes, I do it just for fun, in random places. In my heart I say, "Yes, Jesus. I love you. I say yes to You." And then there is this tickle in my Spirit because I know that He loves my yes. God loves it when I come into agreement with Him!

So, please be encouraged. This is for everyone, but especially for those who are really struggling with condemnation. If you are saying "Yes" to Jesus, then He is NOT condemning you! That is the enemy and you can tell him to "SHUT UP!" God is SO gracious towards us! The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin because He loves us and He wants our good. He knows that sin will only ensnare us and steal our joy, peace and, most importantly, our intimacy and connection with God. God wants us to have unbroken communion with Him because He knows that this is what gives us the most satisfaction. He disciplines us because He loves us and we are His legitimate children! Commit to obey God and just focus on saying "Yes" to Him all day long. If you fall into sin, just repent and keep going. Start saying "Yes" again. If you say "Yes" in the small things, with the grace that God gives you, then He will be faithful to set you free from sin, conform you to His image and renew your mind.

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